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Our Governors

The Governors of Sherborne St John C of E Primary School have a duty to set the strategic direction of the school with Miss Jolliffe and the staff. They have a responsibility to hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils. They oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure that the resources are used wisely, so that each child in the school has the best possible education.

The Governing Body meets at least twice a term and they all work on one of the Committees: Finance and Facilities, Curriculum, Ethos and HR. This is where they really hold the school to account and ask detailed questions about standards, behaviour, progress, how the money is being spent; how staff and pupils are being supported to do their best; how the children are kept safe and a whole host of other things. The governors come into school regularly, talk to children and staff and monitor first hand what is happening.

All this is a huge responsibility, but it is also a privilege to be part of such a great school with such a dedicated team doing their very best for every child.

Finance & Facilities Committee

  • Woody Ruane

    Chair of Governors, Chair of Finance & Facilities Committee

  • Julie Grand

    Finance & Facilities Governor

  • Sam Fenton

    Parent Governor

  • Lynda Harding

    Finance & Facilities Governor

Curriculum Committee

  • Diane Pound

    Chair of Curriculum Committee

  • Amy McLaughlin

    Safeguarding Governor

  • Lucy Johnston

    Staff Governor

  • Lynda Harding

    Curriculum Governor

  • Philippa Scott

    Parent Governor

HR Committee

  • Chris Woodward

    Chair of HR Committee

  • Julie Grand

    HR Governor

  • Sue Sutton

    HR Governor

  • Diane Pound

    HR Governor

  • Philippa Scott

    Parent Governor

Ethos Committee

  • Rev. Stewart Deering

    Chair of Ethos Committee

  • Lynda Harding

    Ethos Governor

  • Philippa Scott

    Parent Governor


  • Sarah Jolliffe
